
Unequal Error Protection: An Information Theoretic Perspective

Shashi Borade, Baris Nakiboglu, Lizhong Zheng
Arxiv ID: 0803.2570Last updated: 1/3/2020
An information theoretic framework for unequal error protection is developed in terms of the exponential error bounds. The fundamental difference between the bit-wise and message-wise unequal error protection (UEP) is demonstrated, for fixed length block codes on DMCs without feedback. Effect of feedback is investigated via variable length block codes. It is shown that, feedback results in a significant improvement in both bit-wise and message-wise UEP (except the single message case for missed detection). The distinction between false-alarm and missed-detection formalizations for message-wise UEP is also considered. All results presented are at rates close to capacity.

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