
The One-Way Communication Complexity of Group Membership

Scott Aaronson, François Le Gall, Alexander Russell, Seiichiro Tani
Arxiv ID: 0902.3175Last updated: 10/5/2021
This paper studies the one-way communication complexity of the subgroup membership problem, a classical problem closely related to basic questions in quantum computing. Here Alice receives, as input, a subgroup H of a finite group G; Bob receives an element x ∈ G. Alice is permitted to send a single message to Bob, after which he must decide if his input x is an element of H. We prove the following upper bounds on the classical communication complexity of this problem in the bounded-error setting: (1) The problem can be solved with O(log |G|) communication, provided the subgroup H is normal; (2) The problem can be solved with O(d_max·log |G|) communication, where d_max is the maximum of the dimensions of the irreducible complex representations of G; (3) For any prime p not dividing |G|, the problem can be solved with O(d_max·log p) communication, where d_max is the maximum of the dimensions of the irreducible _p-representations of G.

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