
Comment on "New Results on Frame-Proof Codes and Traceability Schemes"

Jan-Åke Larsson, Jacob Lofvenberg
Arxiv ID: 0912.1440Last updated: 3/16/2022
In the paper "New Results on Frame-Proof Codes and Traceability Schemes" by Reihaneh Safavi-Naini and Yejing Wang [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 3029-3033, Nov. 2001], there are lower bounds for the maximal number of codewords in binary frame-proof codes and decoders in traceability schemes. There are also existence proofs using a construction of binary frame-proof codes and traceability schemes. Here it is found that the main results in the referenced paper do not hold.

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